We welcome young adults, ages 19 to 30ish, every Tuesday evening at 7pm!!! We are so excited to have Dr. J. Ross (otherwise known as Jordan) leading this exciting New Ministry!
The young adults ministry (YA) is for those who are entering/have just entered adulthood. This might be anyone from University students, recently graduated, or young families.
YA has two primary goals. First, is to be a place of fellowship. The Bible says that we were made to relate. It is important for us to be in fellowship with one another and build good relationships. Second, is to create a safe place to fellowship and wrestle through some of the more challenging aspects of Christianity as faith begins to become more our own. "As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another". A night at YA will include fellowship time, some time of study and discussion and may include some worship time.
We seek to create a community where young adults feel connected, cared for, and challenged. Let's shape our future together!
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