
Church History

The history of Baptists in Hammonds Plains goes back to at least 1811 with the missionary work of Rev. John Burton. First Baptist Church of Hammonds Plains was established in December, 1821 with 28 members. The first pastor was Rev. George Richardson, who was ordained by the church in 1822. The church joined the Association of Baptist Churches in Nova Scotia in 1843, and eventually became affiliated with the United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces, now called the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC). 

OldChurch BlairHaverstock

The original Baptist Meeting House was built on the site currently occupied by the Hammonds Plains Baptist Cemetery, which was made possible by a donation of one acre of land by Mr. Amos Melvin in 1824. Prior to its construction, services were held in private homes throughout the community. The current church building was erected in 1843 on a new location originally intended for a new school house, on a 1/4 acre lot donated by Mr. Jacob Melvin in 1841. It is now believed to be the oldest building in Hammonds Plains.


The church has a long and noble history in the community of Hammonds Plains, and the building was expanded and developed over the years to meet the needs of a growing congregation and community. Today it contains the sanctuary, an office, two kitchens, a large hall, and a full-size gymnasium with basketball facilities. There is plenty of on-site parking, and the facilities are available for rental for special events and to community clubs and organizations. Please contact us for availability.

The Hammonds Plains Baptist Cemetery is under the control of the church. It was always known as the Baptist cemetery but at first it was treated as a community cemetery, and over the years many non-Baptist community members were interred there. In 1967, the matter was taken to the Nova Scotia Legislature, at which time control and administration of the cemetery was assigned to the church. Church members and their families may choose to be laid to rest in the cemetery. 

Upcoming Events

Adult Bible Study
Thursday March 20
Crafter's Yard Sale
Saturday March 22
Kids 4 Christ Sunday School
Sunday March 23
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday March 23